young artists - any art form - one mic

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Q&A with Willem

ES: Who are your artistic influences?

W: Van Gogh, French Impressionists, Egon Schiele, Anton Kannemeyer, Conrad Bothes, Simon Bisley's ABC Warriors, Norman Cathrine, Bill Watterson, Alex Kramer.

ES: What have you learnt from past artists in your field?

W: Talent 10% Hard Work 90%

ES: How do you see your career as an artist developing?

W: Hopefully I can just continue getting better at what I do. The ultimate would be to be self-employed: to make a living from producing the art you'd like.

ES: What motivates you to keep working on your art, when things become difficult and challenging?

W: I enjoy what I do so much that motivation comes from doing the work itself. As long as I'm growing, learning and getting better. When I finish a comic page, I have the motivation to do the next one. It's when I don't finish that problems start to happen.

ES: If there's one boundary or misconception you could knock down about being a visual artist, what would it be?

W: That they are above criticism. And that they are one dimensional art-types. People have many facets and artists as well. I think many artists live with this “image” that they need to uphold - or they feel that they have to. We as human beings are much more multi-faceted than we think. I think that when you're entire identity starts revolving around your art you're limiting yourself.

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